Modern Slavery Act Statement


This statement is made under section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It constitutes International Workplace Group plc group's (the “Group”) anti-slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ended 31 December 2023.

This statement was approved by the Board of International Workplace Group on 20/02/2024.

The Group has zero tolerance to slavery and seeks to act ethically in all its business relationships. The Group has set expectations to customers, employees and its supply chain to clarify its requirements for compliance on actions to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in every aspect of its business.

The Group will not tolerate any form of human rights abuse, including modern slavery or human trafficking, in any part of its business or within its supply chain. The Group upholds recruitment and retention policies, aligned with local employment laws, and ensures annual training on key policies for all team members. The Group’s commitment to ethics and accountability is strengthened by a well-defined governance framework that includes an ethics hotline, offering a secure and anonymous channel for reporting incidents to protect its employees globally.

The Group strives to take all reasonable and practical steps to ensure that its standards are being implemented throughout its suppliers’ businesses and that local legislation and regulations are complied with.


Awareness supporting the Group’s commitment to human rights and the eradication of modern slavery is conducted through training of its employees and overall accountability is held by the Group Executive Committee, which consists of functional heads and executive officers, including members from Sustainability, Human Resources and Procurement teams. The Group’s Legal Team oversee the Group’s approach to ethics and compliance.

The Board, assisted by the Audit Committee and the Group’s Legal Team, provide additional oversight and guidance on the approach to risk management, ethics and compliance.


The Group’s suite of policies sets out minimum requirements and expectations to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as effective risk management. Combined with its principles, the policies ensure that the Group seeks to treat everyone fairly and consistently, creating a workplace and business environment that is open and transparent.

The Group assesses any instances of non-compliance with its policies on a case-by-case basis and tailors remedial action appropriately.


The Group has an extensive global supply chain, which covers a wide range of products and services across multiple suppliers and jurisdictions, each presenting varied levels of risk and management requirements.

The Group continually evaluates ways to identify and address risks in each category of the supply chain, including those related to modern slavery and human trafficking. The Group’s governance and compliance framework for suppliers is set out in International Workplace Group's supplier code of conduct, which governs supplier engagement and the minimum standard and expectations that apply to suppliers to the Group. Compliance with the Group’s requirements is confirmed through the tender or supplier selection process, including to completion of an ESG framework questionnaire for larger suppliers.

During larger supplier onboarding, the Group takes steps to ensure there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in the supply chain by requiring suppliers complete a questionnaire on social and environmental sustainability, including:

  • Requiring new suppliers to declare that they are not involved in modern slavery or human trafficking and confirm that they do not (i) employ or use any labour in contravention of the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015; or (ii) purchase any resources and or materials that have been sourced from entities using forced labour; and
  • Requiring that suppliers implement and maintain due diligence procedures for its own suppliers, subcontractors, and other participants in its supply chains, to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in its supply chains.

The Group is committed to driving social and environmental change through corporate social responsibility and sustainability-related initiatives in place, which complement its modern slavery strategy and initiatives. The Group treats all with respect and equality.

Charlie Steel
Chief Financial Officer