Statement Of Commitment

Statement of Commitment

International Workplace Group plc recognises that corruption can have a detrimental effect on society by undermining legal systems, damaging social and economic development and free and fair competition. International Workplace Group is committed to carrying out business in an honest and ethical manner. International Workplace Group has zero tolerance for bribery and corruption.

This policy applies to all International Workplace Group employees, (including fixed term, contractual or temporary employees), and all third party suppliers and partners working on behalf of International Workplace Group.

Fundamental principles

  1. Conduct business fairly, honestly and transparently

    We aim to keep transparent and updated records of our business dealings. We manage our business relationships by avoiding doing business with others who do not accept our principles and who may harm our reputation.

  2. Prohibit passive or active bribery

    We do not tolerate the acceptance of bribes or condone the offering of bribes on our behalf, to gain or retain business or a business advantage. In addition, International Workplace Group prohibits the facilitation of payments by any of its employees, representatives, agents, or third parties acting on behalf of the company.

  3. Compliance with our principles

    International Workplace Group expects that everyone in our business knows and adheres to our principles and upholds our principles even when challenging. Our anti-corruption stance applies under all circumstances.

Bribery Prevention

International Workplace Group has implemented measures to prevent bribery in respect of activities globally, including:

  1. International Workplace Group Gifts and Hospitality policy

    Our Gifts and Hospitality policy requires employees to report gifts from vendors and suppliers within the Gifts and Hospitality register which is regularly monitored. This supports visibility and transparency of influence applied by external organisations and or others in the organisation.

  2. Robust due diligence processes

    During any contract negotiations, International Workplace Group conducts due diligence by vetting all parties involved, and incorporating anti-bribery clauses to reinforce the company's commitment to zero-tolerance on bribery and corruption in alignment with our Global Procurement framework. We are committed to supplier selection based on merit and seek to ensure personal influence is not a factor in purchasing, and selection decisions align to the UK Bribery Act 2010 (or higher local legislation) across all employment and supplier selection.

  3. Rules for avoiding conflicts of interest

    We have set rules for avoiding conflicts of interest and expect that suppliers or other third parties disclose any and all conflicts of interest in business dealings. Any ownership or beneficial interest is declared to International Workplace Group prior to entering a business relationship.

  4. Whistleblowing protection

    Our whistleblower protection and right to speak policy details the process for investigation into suspected bribery and wrongdoing following an anonymous report of an allegation. To file a report, our whistleblowing hotline can be accessed here.


Any breach by an employee, contractor or others representing the company or working on behalf of International Workplace Group will result in disciplinary action being taken, up to and including termination of employment. Any third party engaged with International Workplace Group will undergo reviews and/or may be terminated if in breach of our principles.

International Workplace Group has implemented an anti-bribery and anti-corruption identification and mitigation programme to support our principles.

Charlie Steel
Chief Financial Officer